Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Gender and equality training

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. what if any training in gender, gender identity and equality your Council staff, or sub groups of staff e.g . Social workers, strengthening families workers, admin staff have received in the last 4 years?
Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans + community who are affected by domestic abuse. Multi Agency Event (Archived) – by SUPPORTU
Management Essentials - Managing Equality & Diversity –
EDI Module (e-learning) LP
Trans & Non-Binary Inclusion (e-learning) LP
LGBT+ Domestic Violence & Abuse e-learning LP (5modules)
Learning pool modules (as above)
Bitesize sessions LGBTQIA x 3 (alphabet, young people, inclusion at work) delivered in 2022.

2. All the organisations who provided this training over the last 4 years.
Learning Pool

3. Please confirm if you possess training resources supplied by the trainers.
Slides and reading/watching recommendations.

4. If you do possess the training please confirm if it is stored in a location accessible to all clinical staff e.g a shared drive or common training resource.
Yes; slides from Learn LGBTQIA.

5. How much any training cost.
£1,000 for bitesize sessions
£1,200 for total EDI package

6. Are you a member of any organisation that assists with provision of gender, gender Identity or equality training, e.g. employers network for equality and diversity, global butterflies etc.
Not corporately.

7. If you are a member please name all the organisation(s) who help with gender, gender identity and equality training you are a member of
Not applicable.

8. What if any is the cost of this membership.
Not applicable.

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