Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Tree planting data
See notes
Since the 2020 financial year can you please supply;
1. All documents related to where to plant trees?
This is quite a difficult question to provide a definitive answer to as we have many tree planting schemes across the Borough including those that are planted as part of our Climate Emergency Action Plan, those that are part of developments and those that are part of replanting schemes. Given the scale of number of applications that are processed, we do not hold data on all locations of where trees are planted, however, the Council is in the process of implementing a Tree Asset Management System that will support Officers in plotting the location of trees that are planted on Council owned land. We currently have a major tree planting project in place as part of the Climate Emergency Action Plan and since the project commenced in September 2021, over 40,242 trees have been planted across the Borough on Public Open Spaces, Country Parks, School Sites, Town and Parish Owned Sites and Private land.
In terms of ‘where to plant trees’, as part of the development of our newly adopted Tree Strategy, a number of surveys were carried out including a Canopy Cover Survey and Tree Report. As part of this work, an external consultant gathered data on each Parish to identify areas that are lower in canopy cover and would benefit from new tree planting. As part of Officers ongoing work to deliver on the Climate Emergency Action Plan, the maps and data produced will be utilised to help inform Officers on areas that will benefit from new tree planting.
2. Long term management plans for planted trees?
Tree planting schemes will have differing management plans depending on the overall long term goals for the scheme. For example, if the planting schemes have been identified as opportunity areas to enhance biodiversity, then the scheme will be managed according to the biodiversity goals, if the planting scheme has been carried out as part of a SANG, the management requirements will be specific to how that area is intended to be used. Newley planted trees usually have an establishment period of approximately years whereby extra care needs to be taken for the weed management, mulching and watering in particularly hot, dry weather conditions. Where trees have been planted as part of our Climate Emergency targets, our planting contracts include a 2 year maintenance period where the contractor is required to undertake 1 metre diameter weed control around each tree in years 1 and 2. Weed control is a primary focus to protect saplings from competition for nutrients and moisture during their initial establishment period. During this period our Officers also monitor weather conditions and arrange watering during extended periods of particularly hot, dry conditions. After the establishment period, the trees are managed by the relevant service area. We have an experienced Countryside Service Team that manage the Council owned county parks and a dedicated Cleaner and Greener Team who manage our other Public Open Spaces. In addition to this, once trees are established we have an Operational Tree Management team that inspects the health and safety of Council owned trees in Public Open Spaces and along the Highway.
In addition to trees that are planted as part of our Climate Emergency Action Plan, planting schemes are required as part of development proposals. All development that impacts existing trees and those that require the implementation of new planting schemes are carefully reviewed by our Trees and Landscape Officers. Where these are carried out on private land, the developer will have responsibility to plant and establish the planting in accordance with what is agreed through the planning application. For reference, the draft documents that were produced as part of the Tree Strategy work can be found on Wokingham Engage. Following a public consultation that was held on Wokingham Engage between November 2022 – January 2023, a revised strategy was produced and the final Tree Strategy was approved for adopted by the Executive in June 2023. Officers are currently working on updating the Wokingham Engage page to include the revised final document.
3. Survival rates of planted trees?
Planting schemes carried out on Council owned land is always carefully planned and include the following measures to maximise the tree survival rate.
• Ensure that we are planting within the recommended season (October- March)
• We generally plant saplings and whips which are easiest size to get established (ranging in size between 40-100cm, species dependant)
• We ensure we are planting the right tree in the right place by reviewing the landscape conditions and environmental factors that could impact the species
• Our planting contracts always include a 2year maintenance period where the contractor is required to undertake 1metre diameter weed control around each tree in years 1 and 2 (which protects the tree saplings from competition in the initial establishment period)
• In addition, as above, Officer monitor weather conditions during the first two years of establishment and carry out watering as required
To date the establishment rate on our Climate Emergency Planting schemes carried out since 2021 has been very positive despite the two challenging summers they have endured given the hot and dry conditions. Officers regularly review sites and work with planting contractors to replace any failed trees during each upcoming planting season however we are unable to provide a specific figure. It should be noted, that when planting woodland schemes at scale, the standard approach is to expect a success rate of 75%. Currently, our woodland, orchard and hedgerow schemes planted as part of our Climate Emergency Action Plan are in line with this figure and Officers will continue to monitor and replace tree failures above 25% in each upcoming planting season.