Last updated:
8th August 2023
See answers to previous information requests
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Planning Appeals
See notes
1. How many appeals against decisions relating to residential-led planning applications were lodged in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 and how many residential units were involved in these appeals?
2. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
3. How many planning applications were granted permission after appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
4. How many new residential units were granted permission following an appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
5. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals that were then granted permission in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23